Thursday, October 6, 2011

To Your Neighbours

after you die your neighbours can get a chance to replace you as a father/mother/son/daughter/etc. So help them and KILL yourself now.

Advantages To Your Friends

If you had any real freinds, then probably you would'nt be reading this blog, they're all fakes, leave them all by killing yourself. And their advantage is free meal at your funeral, nothing else.

Advantages To Your Grandchildren

Really, you have grandchildren and you are still alive? They curse you everyday, everynight, every moment, you dont know but you like all old people smell damn bad.

And if your grandchildren are young, then dont worry about them, they are too young to understand whats life and whats death and they wont even realise that you are dead.
Time heals every pain OR time covers all HAPPYNESS.

Advantage To Your Grandparents

Dont worry about them, they'll die soon.

Advantage To Your Children

Think about them and all the problems children give you. Save yourself from this problem by dying. Also your children wont even miss you as they are too busy in SNS's and Xbox, that they wont even know that you are dead, you'll just waste their one precious day on your funeral, but thats OK as you are leaving many a things like freedom for your children after you. And if they tweet or update their FB status as My Father/Mother Is #dead, then you might consider yourself to be a good parent.

So DIE Now and save your children from the devil you are and earn some respect
Women are the biggest problem and the root of all the problems in the world (now you know why "The Shawshank Redemption" is considered the best movie ever). So save yourself from this problem by dying. It will also give her the freedom and space she always complained about.
And if you are a woman, then do a favour on your partner by dying and giving them peace and LIFE.

To Your Siblings

Well as i mentioned in the previous that you'll save your parents a lot of money by dying, so this money can be UTILISED(rather than wasting it on you) by them for the betterment of your siblings such as in their education, their business and many more things.